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Lauren Sayes, Louisiana

Louisiana Tech University

Special Area of Interest: Social Work - Addictions

What motivated you to become a social worker?
My desire to become a social worker began during my Sophomore year of college. I became interested in addictions when I chose to study how the family affects addicts in a research project I did in college. While doing the project and reading the research, I quickly became fascinated with addictions - the chemistry of the addicted brain, the family system of an addict, how society misunderstands addiction, and addiction as a disease. Originally, I thought I wanted to be an addictions counselor, but after an internship at an Addictive Disorders Clinic during the summer before my junior year, I realized that I could do so much more and help so many more people with a MSW specializing in addictions. I want to help sick people every day, and addiction is one of the toughest diseases in the books. I want to help people overcome their disease and live happy lives. blog Expand

Welcome to the new BeASocialWorker!

Welcome to the new Web site!

We have redesigned the site to highlight the great contributions social workers make in communities, within families and in the lives of people’s everyday.

We have also added an interactive community feature which allows social workers and prospective students to discuss the countless ways social workers can make a difference in the world.

Explore the new site and let us know what you think!

POSTED 03/01/10 02:51 pm | No Comments

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