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Denise, New York

FTC Facilitator

Practice Area/Specialty: Familes and Children

What motivated you to become a social worker?
In the beginning, I was confused about my venture in Social Work, but after my intership with an HIV/AIDS agency and my work as an abstinence facilitator for adolescents, i realized how improtant spreading the word of prevention was important, especially with adolescents. Curently, I work as an FTC facilitator for a children and family agency. I enjoy what I do, but I want to go more into advocacy, specifically HIV/AIDS. THe most fulfilling aspect of beign a social worker is seeing people use the tools that you have taught them and being more aware of their society. blog Expand

Welcome to the new BeASocialWorker!

Welcome to the new Web site!

We have redesigned the site to highlight the great contributions social workers make in communities, within families and in the lives of people’s everyday.

We have also added an interactive community feature which allows social workers and prospective students to discuss the countless ways social workers can make a difference in the world.

Explore the new site and let us know what you think!

POSTED 03/01/10 02:51 pm | No Comments

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